Today is a special day because Ryan got to feel her move for the first time! I started feeling her during my 18th week but it was vague and I wasn't always for sure if it was her or just my belly gurgling. It has been definite baby movements since last week and I was able to feel her on the outside of my belly on Sunday the 17th. Her movements have been sporadic but starting this week I have been feeling her on a daily basis several times a day! I couldn't wait for Ryan to feel her, so I was so excited when he got to this morning.
I have more sonogram pictures but I am having technical difficulty so I cannot get them scanned onto my computer. The sonogram tech took some 4D pictures and they are really neat to see. You can tell she has no fat on her body but you can see her face perfectly. Hopefully I can get the issues resolved soon so we can share our pictures!