Our sweet little Audrey Grace turned 18 months on November 24. We are behind on our doctor appointments so she didn't have her check up until December 22. This little girl amazes me every day. What an exciting journey we are on and she reminds us of this daily. She is so much fun to play with and talk to these days. It continues to shock me how much she knows and how observant she is. I think she can work our phones better than we can! She knows exactly how to unlock it and take off pressing buttons. She still loves books more than anything but puzzles are close behind. She did get her first baby doll for Christmas so we are playing with babies a little but she doesn't seem to into them yet. She does love clothes though! Probably one of her favorite things to do is sit in the floor (or carseat) and take her shoes and socks off and put them back on over and over again. She is a pretty good eater most days. She has days she will hardly eat anything. Brocoli, green beans and froot (fruit) of any kind, mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets are her favorites. She has 14 teeth. She talks up a storm. She will repeat anything you say. Her vocabulary probably
consits of 75 words and she is starting to put words together. She has learned to say
peaz (please) and ta too (thank you) at the appropriate times. She still loves to sing and
tries to sing Rock a bye baby and the ABC's. She has added knee, leg, toes, feet and teeth to her body part vocabulary. She can count to 5 but doesn't usually. She will usually say 2 and 5 but if you catch her talking or "reading" a book you may hear her counting. She does use "ck" or "t" at the end of words sometimes. She says sheet instead of sheep or
tock instead of top. She has also learned the word NO! It is really aggravating me too. She has known the word and would say it some but usually just shook her head no if she didn't want something. Well, all that has changed and she says NO over and over to get her point across. I could really do without it. I was doing so good at keeping up with things she was doing on a monthly basis. As I sit here and try to play catch up, I can't. She seems to be doing so much more at a more rapid pace that it is hard for me to sit down and remember it all. Guess that is why they say "write it down"! It is really amazing how smart they become so quickly. What I can tell you is that she can make any bad day better. I do enjoy working, but picking her up from daycare and coming home as a family is the highlight of our days! It melts my heart to pick her up and hear her squeal and shout MOMMY as she runs to me with open arms. She loves to be in our presence and we cannot imagine life without her. She has
defiantly been keeping us busy and on our toes. One of her new favorite games is to chase each other.
Her 18 month stats were: Weight 26.4 (75
th percentile) and 33.5 inches long (90
th percentile).
Dr Smith told me I could introduce potty training if I was ready but not to get too pushy with it. I can say that Audrey Grace is NOT ready. She knows that she tee tee's and poo
poo's in the diaper and will point to potty and say tee tee but she doesn't want to go anywhere near it! Oh well, I am not too concerned with it at this point anyway.