Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Picture Post

We have been so busy since the birthday party, I haven't had time to blog. We rented our house in Southaven and had to be out 4 days after we found out! We didn't want to risk the people not moving in, so we got it done. It was not fun at all but Thanks to Annie and Dru for babysitting and Grandma and Grandpa being our storage unit, we accomplished the move in 2 days. You forget how much stuff you really have in your house. We went from a 2000 sq foot house to a 1000 sq foot house, so needless to say not near the space we are used to. We do love our little rental house in Vicksburg and have made some great new friends!

These pictures are from the last weekend in April in Columbus. We went to see Lores in Beauty and the Beast (of course I have no pictures of this). Lores has the best time acting in the YMCA play productions. She has tried out and been in the last 2 plays! We are all so impressed that she will do this. Everyone else in the family would run and hide if we had to get on stage!

Lucy had an art show Friday before Lores' play. We got to see all of her art from the semester. She does such a good job

Uncle Lou and AG

Daddy Bud and his youngest grand-girls
Gram and her youngest great grand-girls

Laura Lea needed to feed Audrey Grace
Please don't leave...

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