Friday, January 28, 2011

We spent last weekend in Newton. Ryan and Mr. Butch went quail hunting Saturday morning and I babysat Huck and Audrey Grace. They were really sweet and played pretty good together. I was a little worried about keeping an 11 month old and 8 month old by myself and not in my house, but it ended up being just fine. Huck is trying to walk and Audrey Grace is trying to crawl. I shouldn't say trying because she does, well kind of. She pulls her self wherever she wants to go. She gets up on all fours and rocks and crawls 2-3 times and decides she can get there faster if she just pulls herself or rolls. They were all over the place but did well entertaining each other too.

He got her cornered

Ready to crawl!

Sweet Cole playing with Audrey Grace


Bath time

Sunday after church we went to visit Nan Nan

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